Product recommendation

Flour processing is a cornerstone in the complex journey from harvested grain to versatile ingredient found in kitchens around the world. This process is a harmonious combination of traditional and modern techniques, essentially converting raw grains into the fine powder we know as flour. The significance of flour processing lies not only in its ability to provide a basic staple food, but also in shaping the quality, texture and nutritional content of the final product.

flour milling 1. Clean: Ensure purity from the start

The grain milling journey begins with a meticulous cleaning process designed to remove the original particles of any impurities. Earth, stones and foreign matter were carefully removed, setting the stage for the original flour production process.


flour milling 2. Conditioning: Excellent hydration and grinding

Certain grains, notably wheat, undergo a conditioning step in which hydration is carefully applied to optimize milling characteristics. This process increases the flexibility of the bran layer, which is a key factor in achieving effective separation during grain milling.


flour milling 3. Milling: The Art of Precision Grinding

The core of grain milling lies in the milling process itself. A variety of methods and equipment are in play, from traditional stone grinding to modern roller and impact mills. The choice of grain milling process profoundly affects the characteristics of flour, determining factors such as flour particle size and nutrient retention.


flour milling 4. Sifting and screening: Refining the texture

After milling, the flour is sifted or sifted to separate out particles of different sizes. This critical step not only improves the flour's texture but also eliminates any remaining coarse particles, ensuring a consistent and ideal fineness.


flour milling 5. Purification: Improving quality through separation

Some flour milling processes include a purification step to further separate the endosperm from the bran and germ components. This meticulous separation improves the quality of the flour, increasing its purity and nutritional value.

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