With the further advancement of the "Belt and Road" initiative, Jiangsu Suhao Honggang actively responded to the national call and focused its attention on this huge international market. Through effective integration of resources and careful planning, the strategic direction of expanding business in countries along the “Belt and Road” has been established.

In order to better serve customers in countries along the “Belt and Road”, Jiangsu Suhao Honggang has established overseas offices in Indonesia and Benin. These offices are not only sales windows, but also service platforms, providing customers with all-round and multi-level support. The development of front-end sales and service functions makes the company more competitive in the market.

The construction environment in the countries along the “One Belt and One Road” is changeable and difficult, but the overseas employees of Soho Honggang have not flinched and bravely faced various difficulties. They overcame the difficult environmental conditions and completed 85% of the earthwork construction of the CIM Industrial Park installation and commissioning project with perseverance and hard work, laying a solid foundation for the advancement of the entire project.

Facing the future, we will continue to deeply explore the "Belt and Road" market, strengthen cooperation with countries along the route, expand business areas, and contribute the strength of Chinese enterprises to more international projects.

oil press

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  • Steam Cooker

    √ Standard reducer √ Improve flaking quality in order to increase oil output rate and the quality of crude oil √ Also can be used as soften cooker
