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In the process of oil processing, the steam cooker is an indispensable protagonist, playing a key role in regulating the temperature of the oil. Its role is not only to increase the temperature, but also to change the physical properties of the oil through precise temperature control, making it easier to extract oil. Let’s take a closer look at the wonders of the steam cooker  in the oil extraction process and how it affects the results and quality of the oil.

steamer cooker 1. Increase the oil temperature:

The primary task of the steam cooker is to raise the temperature of the oil to the appropriate level. Through the combined action of heating and steam, the temperature of the oil gradually increases. This step is to increase the fluidity of the oil and create more ideal conditions for the subsequent oil extraction process.


steamer cooker 2. Promote oil flow:

The oil in oil usually exists in the form of cells, and the heating process of the steam cooker can reduce the viscosity of the oil and rupture the cell membrane, making the oil flow more easily. This not only improves the oil yield, but also makes the oil extraction process more efficient.


steamer cooker 3. Remove moisture:

The steam cooker evaporates the moisture in the oil. This helps to make the oil seeds drier and reduces the interference of moisture that may occur during the oil extraction process on the oil extraction effect.


steamer cooker 4. Sterilization and disinfection:

The high-temperature cooking process not only helps to improve the fluidity of oil, but also kills some microorganisms and yeast, thereby extending the shelf life of oil products to a certain extent. This is an important step in ensuring the quality of oil products.


steamer cooker 5. Improve oil quality:

The cooking process can release some volatile substances in the oil and enhance the aroma and flavor of the extracted oil. This step is critical to producing high-quality oil.

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